
Expanding the Prime Strategies Profile

I’m excited to have been invited to join our new Prime Strategies marketing team. We are tasked with expanding the Prime profile and developing strategies aimed at making our resource and services more accessible to SME business owners. Why? Because in this post Covid era small businesses in particular are still struggling. Business owners are confronted with challenges every day. Many have to adapt, pivot and explore new areas of opportunity.

This is where Prime Strategies can and does help through a broad range of services and offerings aimed at focusing on specific needs while not losing sight of the bigger picture. Our new marketing team met in a planning workshop last Friday. The experience and expertise around the table was both diverse and impressive. The outcome was a series of exciting initiatives we will be developing over the coming weeks and months. 

So stay tuned for details, or if you can’t wait – visit our website or get in touch to discuss how we can improve your business’ performance: https://www.primestrategies.co.nz