Breton Dobbs

Business advisor for small businesses

“Helping you improve business performance
& enjoy a better work / life balance.”

Are you a small business owner?

Business Mentor meeting

Did you know that 97% of all businesses in NZ are small businesses and 70% have NO employees?

Hi, I’m Breton and I’m a small business advisor with the Prime Strategies Group

When I talk to business owners, do you know what their 3 biggest NOs are?

NO time, NO money, NO lifestyle.

Being a small business owner today is a bit like playing whack-a-mole. New problems pop up every day, so it’s hard to be proactive when you spend most of your time reacting.

I help them fix that. I do it because I’m good at it, passionate about it and I make a difference.

"I care because it matters to you"

Core Offerings

Do any of these statements ring true for you and your business?

Interested to learn how Breton can help get on top of these common issues, and more?

1. Sometimes it feels like I’m chasing my tail and the business isn’t making any headway.

2. Trying to get on top of cashflow is a constant problem and slow paying debtors don’t help.

3. I need to take the business to the next level – but not sure if I should focus on vertical or lateral growth, or both.

4. Having an experienced and independent person to bounce ideas off and get constructive input on key issues would really help me, and ease the pressure I put myself under at times.

5. Productivity is a real challenge, both in terms of staff performance and the systems and processes I’m using.

Interested to learn how Breton can help your business?

Prime Stategies Group

Prime Strategies Group

Breton is a member of Prime Strategies - a New Zealand wide network of Business Advisors. Prime Associates employ both their own knowledge and expertise in combination with the nationwide team and a vast resource library of business tools to assist business owners reach their business goals for success, growth and profitability.

Association Business Management advisors

Association of Business Management Advisors

Breton is a founding member of the ABMA – a nationally recognised mark of competency for the Business Management Advisory profession and indicates that any member of ABMA has and continues to meet approved requirements of character, integrity, professionalism, education and experience.

Regional business Partner network

Regional Business Partners Network

The Regional Business Partners Network is a gateway that connects you to the right advice, people, funding and resources. As a service provider in this network, Breton works directly with business owners – providing them with targeted training and support where they need it most.

Xero certified partner

Xero Certified Partner

Xero is an online accounting software that has been designed for small to medium sized businesses. Through Prime Strategies, Breton is a Xero certified partner; he is skilled and knowledgeable in key areas of Xero making him well placed to advise clients on using Xero and managing their business successfully.

A cause to reflect

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The Power of Conducting a Swot Analysis

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What Is Your Hourly Rate?

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The Importance of Budgeting Every Year

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What’s in a margin?

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Business Ownership: The dreams we once had

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A Business Owner: Fixing those issues

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The Business Advisor / Consultant Paradigm

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Are you seeing what you need to see in your business?

Most people have heard the terms “Can’t see the woods for the trees” or “becoming store blind”, but do you actually know what they mean? It is a common issue with a lot of SME business owneRead more

Sew, Mow or Row

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Keeping it fresh!

What a lovely weekend it was weather wise! It was so nice that it inspired my partner and me to walk Orakei Basin as we do once a month on average. As we approached the entry/exit point, I suggested Read more